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About Us

Support Our Seminarians, Inc. (SOS) is a 501(c)(3) a non- profit organization that was started in Scottsdale, Arizona over 17 years ago to financially assist Catholic seminarians during their seminary years.  Its founder, Marjie Hoffman, was a devoted Catholic woman from Our Lady of Joy Catholic Church in Carefree, who gave so much of herself in helping our seminarians and priests.  This Board is honored to continue her legacy. 


The current Board of Directors consists of Julie Hahn, Fr. Arthur Nave, and Luzinda Chavez.  The Hahn Family assisted Marjie years ago in obtaining the 501(c)(3) status for Support Our Seminarians, Inc.; through the years they have been very involved in Support Our Seminarians and with other vocation support.  The Chavez family has actively supported vocations in our diocese for many years, and their son is a seminarian with the Diocese of Phoenix.  Support Our Seminarians prayerfully and financially supported Fr. Arthur Nave during his years in seminary.  His continued involvement with this organization is a true blessing for the Board and our seminarians.


We would like to introduce or reintroduce you to Support Our Seminarians and its mission of providing support. When a young man enters the seminary, there are various expenses that are not covered by the Diocese such as school supplies, medical copays and deductibles, auto insurance, car payments, gas, travel costs, and so on. During their time in seminary, unexpected events may arise, just as they do in life outside of seminary. Some may fall sick or get injured and incur unforeseen medical expenses. A parent may lose their job, or due to a family illness or death, an unexpected trip home may be necessary. Support Our Seminarians is here to provide financial and prayerful assistance to our seminarians in these times of need. Sometimes the families are not in a position to help with these expenses.


   Please help us spread the word about Support Our Seminarians to all those who support religious vocations in our diocese and may be able to assist us in this mission. There are many Catholics who pray for our seminarians and religious, and some of them may be willing to provide financial help. Based on our experience, we found that many people were not aware of the financial needs of our seminarians. Therefore, any contribution to this organization can make a significant difference in supporting the education and formation of our future priests and religious.


    Support Our Seminarians is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, which means your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Support Our Seminarians greatly appreciates all donations whether they are small, large, one-time or monthly. Some people prefer to donate once a year, and yet others prefer to donate monthly for their charity tithe.  All donations may be mailed to our address listed below. 


  All donations are put into a large general fund.  Seminarians and religious must submit an individual grant application through their Vocations Director when a financial need arises.  Legally, donations may not be designated to a specific seminarian, however they may be recommended for one by name.  By law, we cannot guarantee that monies recommended for someone will go to that person. As the Vocations Director approves applications and donations are processed, we will do our best to assist all seminarians with any available funds, to the extent allowed by law. 


   We ask you for your prayers for the continued success of Support Our Seminarians, and please remember us when you make charitable donations throughout the year.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime.

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